- Internal Latch design to eliminate external scratches on cables plug shell
- Flippable plug for good customer experience
- Bullet nose plug entry for ease of mating
- Standard 3A current rating
- PD 5A current rating option
- Improved internal and external RFI performance
- One connector with power charging, data transfer, DP video and audio capability
- Top mount, mid mount and docking solutions
- Over 10,000 cycles durability
- Click Mating / Un-mating feel and sound
- 儲存設備
- 智慧手機
- 平板電腦
- 筆記型電腦
- 複合型平板筆電
- 電腦擴充基座
- 顯示器、螢幕、投影機…
- 車用電子
- 家庭娛樂
Product List
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