- Full lines of Universal Series Bus plugs & receptacles for ease of design.
- Type A & B of plugs and receptacle.
- the types of SMT and Thru-hole terminals for Board Mount.
- Wire Soldering Series for A and B plugs.
- Type A receptacle for Single and Double stacks.
- Middle mount for NB market Provides speeds of:480Mbps(USB2.0)
- Allow the connection of up to 127 devices.
General Specification
- Connect resistance: 30mΩmaximum
- Insulation resistance: 1000MΩminimum
- Mating force: 35 Newtons maximum
- Unmating force: 10 newtons minimum
- Durability: 1500 cycles
- 印表機
- 隨身碟
- 機上盒
- 筆記型電腦
- 其他隨身裝置
- 車用電子
Product List
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