- Stainless Steel: provides high durability & strength.
- Lead-in feature: Better blind mating.
- Latch Locker: Provides stronger locking force to prevent plug dropping off from the receptacles.
- Notch Design: Prevents plastic housing being push out by plug during impact.
- Rear Cover: Prevents relevant EMI issue.
- Multiple Soldering area: Provides high retention force on PCB.
- Green Material: Environmental protection.
General Specification
- Durability: 10,000 cycles
- Current Rating: Pin2, 3 & 4: 1 Amp (Minimum); Pin1 & 5: 1.8 Amp
- Mating Force: 35N maximum
- Unmating Force: 8N minimum
- 手機
- MP3 音樂撥放器
- 充電器
- 轉接器
Product List
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